On Thu, October 2, 2003 1at 0:33 am, Filip Hanik sent the following
>>- Java or native load balancer, with session affinity support. This
>>could be the perfect commons project, and is not really related to Tomcat
> After looking into it, writing a load balancer in Java will only cause the
> load balancer to become a bottleneck nothing else, Java doesn't offer
> enough
> low level to be able to do TCP load balancing well.

Well, the typical bottleneck in a dynamic application isn't TCP
bandwidth/connections, but the CPU power required to process requests.  I
think a TCP load balancer would be useful for a large number of people,
but may not belong to the Tomcat project unless it is designed
specifically to integrate with Tomcat.  This may be the case anyway as the
load balancer would have to match the jvmRoute with the appropriate


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