Bill Barker wrote:
Bill Barker wrote:

I'm -1 on this. It gives the Servlet no indication that anything is


and leaves junk in the input stream for the next keep-alive request.  I
think that it would be better to handle this in the Adaptor's
postParseRequest method.

I disagree: the problem with this is that we allocate one array right away based on content-length, not that there's a big upload (which is


The Adaptor can check for this: if("POST".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod()) && "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".equals(contentType) && request.getContentLength() > connector.getMaxPostSize()) { response.setStatus(413); response.setMessage("POST Body exceeds maximum"); return false; }

This is not very efficient (doing checks there as well as in parse parameters), and what if the servlet intended to stream the body by itself ? (in this case, there's no particular efficiency problem)
So that's why I did do the check lazily (like the parsing itself, which must be lazy).


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