Filip Hanik - Dev wrote:

During session replication I optimized my code to decide what order class loader to 
use based on the class name.

For example, if you load a class that starts with org.apache.catalina. I attempt to 
load it with the SCL first, it gave the app a
huge performance boost.

I know I know, this breaks the rule of thumb with webapps, but there are smart shortcuts you can make, like make a list of all the
classes in common/lib and server/lib and never load those through WebCL unless specified by the user. Most user would love the
performance gain of this, and the ability to turn it on/off

This is extremely easy to test: you need to add stuff to the package array in WCL, so that it will delegate for these packages. This doesn't improve performance in any noticeable way (as I expected), so I don't see where you found any huge performance boost. While it does sound great, I think your test seemed either bad or very specific.

From my profile, the bottleneck for the startup time is XML parsing and accessing entries in JARs (we can't do anything about that), with a little for classloading as well (but it's not very big, and my optimization plans were to experiment loading everything at once on stratup, to be able to remove all syncing in the CL - I don't even know if that would have been efficient, and since it does conflict with the more interesting stuff from Costin, I'm giving up on that one for now).


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