Remy Maucherat wrote:

Costin Manolache wrote:

Remy Maucherat wrote:

From my profile, the bottleneck for the startup time is XML parsing and accessing entries in JARs (we can't do anything about that), with a

Did you try a pull parser ? kxml2 is really fast and only 42K :-)

The other approach - which I think may have a lot of benefits - is to use some caches. For XML - you would need to make few of the classes serializable, or create few wrappers that are serializable. And whenver a change is detected - reparse. Not trivial code, but you can get a lot
in cutting server.xml and web.xml parsing.

The time is mostly parsing web.xml. However, it's nothing when compared to starting certain webapps (such as the admin webapp), where *one* webapp takes more time than starting up the rest of Tomcat (including all the simple webapps, JMX and the modeler descriptors, etc).

Does it really need "load-on-startup" for its ApplicationServlet ?? Do we really need to load /admin on startup ? Most people never use it, or use it only ocasionally. How many times do you configure the server ?

Having "lazy loaded" webapps as a generic solution will help both admin/ but also other infrequently used webapps. BTW - load-on-startup doesn't necesarily mean "server startup" ( at least that's my understanding ), it means when the webapp is started.

The other big problem is the (needed) JAR parsing for TLDs during the deployment of a webapp.

I tought we already have some code to cache the tlds and avoid reparsing. This could be extended to the entire web.xml, and if we do this - probably validation can be on ( since it'll happen only first time and on web.xml change ).

Classloding and XML parsing are negligible when compared to these two things. So why bother ?

You're right.

If I do the server.xml persistence that I envision, I'm using DOM for everything anyway.

Well, you can use DOM for web.xml - but you need DOM only when changing settings, so you can also create the dom lazy, and use the .ser form
on regular startup.

The jar index is also quite usefull IMO (  is it implemented in
WebappClassLoader ? I can't find any code ).

No, there's no index. I think it could be useful (mark that some packages are available in some JARs).

I was talking about the JDK1.4 index ( we already have <jar index=true...> ). URLClassLoader has this, but not our findResourceInternal.

But as you said - it's not a big priority.

The thing I was planning to try just in case for StdCL was to load everything on creation of the classloader. Since in the end most classes will be loaded on startup, it would remove the need for syncing.

Do you think syncing is a big problem ? Most of the time it should be a free lock, and that is supposed to be reasonably fast.

I'm curious how JDK1.5 support for multiple processes works and if we could get some classes shared / cached.

In any case - unless loading classes on startup without sync has a big
perf. improvement, I think it may be better to do the other optimizations first.


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