I sure would appreciate an iSeries binary release though, if I can jump
on the band wagon.  We haven't seen one of those since 1.2.6, either.
Brent Sims
Systems Analyst 2
KC Human Services
Road rage, air rage.  Why should I be forced to divide my rage into
separate categories?  To me, it's just one big, all-round, everyday
rage.  I don't have time for fine distinctions.  I'm too busy screaming
at people.
                         - George Carlin

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/31/2005 3:11:01 AM >>>

Lionel Farbos wrote:
> Some questions :
> - Why don't you provide any more a binary release for linux (since
1.2.6) ?

It's up to the contributors (jk committers).

Now, my company (JBoss) has invested a great deal of
money to provide me with hardware and software needed for such tasks,
but you'll have to wait couple of weeks before I set that
all systems up and running, so we can have binaries for all the
major linux distributions.
Again, having all of them covered would be simply impossible, because
there are jut too many kernel/cpu/distro/apache combinations that
would satisfy all. I mean I can for sure predict a question:
"Why the hell my favorite XXX distribution does not have binary?"


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