  I'm using the domain property in the same situation as the one
discussed in this thread. Any reason why I shouldn't use the domain
property and rely on the worker names instead?
  Thanks in advance,

  -- Edgar Alves

Rainer Jung wrote:

>That should not work!
>The correct way to configure session stickyness is to use jvmRoute (which
>you already did) and then giving the workers the same names as the
>jvmRoute. That is instead of "bl_worker_dev" use "dev_alexis" and instead
>of "bl_worker_noah" use "noah_alexis" as the worker names.
>You should check, that the URLs produced by your application include the
>";jsessionid=<32Characters>.<jvmRoute>" or - in case you use cookies - the
>same info is in your session cookie.
>mod_jk then automatically strips the <jvmRoute> part from the session
>identifier and lloks for a worker of the same name.
>You will only need to use the domain attribute in case you have a lot of
>tomcat instances and some of them have the sessions replicated, others
>not. Then you can give all members of a replication domain the same domain
>name and mod_jk will know, that in case the correct worker is down, which
>alternatives are good.
>>Beautiful - worked like a charm. That might take the cake as far as
>>longest question to quickest, shortest answer goes. ha. Thanks a bunch.
>>I might have to gripe about doucmentation in a second (nother thread)..
>>Edgar Alves wrote:
>>>Try adding these two lines to worker.properties:
>>>-- Edgar Alves

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