Hi Mladen,

  I've used the domain property because it seemed the more general
approach (i.e., supports clusters but can be used with a single worker).
What this thread got me curious about is if using the domain property in
this fashion is "officially" supported, or on the other hand if it can
only be used reliably with clusters.

  After reading the documentation
(http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/connectors-doc/config/workers.html), I
got the idea that using the domain property with only one worker
wouldn't be a trick but another way tell mod_jk which jvmRoute to use:
"If sticky_session is used, then the domain name is used as session
route.". Naming the worker after the intended jvmRoute (even though it
used to be the only way) seems more of a trick than explicitly
specifying the jvmRoute with the domain property.

  However, since the same documention mentions that the domain property
is used for large systems with clustering, do you know of any side
effects (like lower performance) of using this approach as opposed to
simply naming the workers after the jvmRoute?

  -- Edgar Alves

Mladen Turk wrote:

> Edgar Alves wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   I'm using the domain property in the same situation as the one
>> discussed in this thread. Any reason why I shouldn't use the domain
>> property and rely on the worker names instead?
> Domain is supposed to be used with multiple workers sharing the
> same jvmRoute having session replication between them, thus
> forming 'cluster groups' to lower the session data replication
> transfer.
> You can use the domain, but it's a trick rather then a proper
> usage.
> Regards,
> Mladen.

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