Title: Starting TomCat
A couple of suggestions (I assume you are using a Win platform as you are mentioning bat files...):
a) install tomcat in a path with no spaces  (i.e. do not use Program files). Rename the jakarta-tomcat directory to tomcat. I suggest you install it at the root level (d:\tomcat)
b) configure your environment space. There are several ways to do this - one is adding a line with CommandEnvSize=4096  to the NonWindowsApp section of your system.ini.
c) be sure that you are setting TOMCAT_HOME and JAVA_HOME properly (usually in your \autoexec.bat). Also configure your classpath,if you need one.
d) there is a very nice tool JustGo that you can use if you definitely are not able to start Tomcat. see http://www.geocities.com/jdrudnicki/
Many issues related to configure and run Tomcat have been posted in this mailing list. I would also suggest you spend some time looking in the archives of this and other mailing list, the documentation, etc.
Julio Serje
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 1:17 PM
Subject: Starting TomCat

      Have used TOMCAT at all?   I'm trying to configure the system and according to their documentation all I need to
do is run the BAT file called TOMCAT with a parameter of RUN or START.  It end up blowing up on a CLASSDEFNOTFOUND
error.  After looking at the BAT file, I see that its trying to lauch a JAVA program "org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat ".

The install didn't even create a "org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat" directory or file.  I do have a "src.org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.java",

but this source only.  It doesn't make any mention abount having to build the system.  Any thoughts?  Did I down load the wrong thing?

Thanks Tom Carroll

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