We are assuming that you want to use tomcat to execute jsp and servlets.

1. Edit your server.xml file.
2. Add a new context like this:
      <Context path="/myproj" docBase="c:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache\htdocs\myproj" debug="0" reloadable="true"/>
3. Create a folder structure like
        c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\myproj
4. Edit Tomcat.conf. Add these lines
        Alias /myproj "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\apache\htdocs\myproj"
        ApJservMount /myproj/servlet /root
         <Location /myproj/WEB-INF/ >
        AllowOverride None
              deny from all
5. In your apache's httpd.conf, include this line
        Include "C:\Tomcat\Tomcat\conf\Tomcat.conf" - or wherever your tomcat is
6. Under htdocs\myproj, create a folder web-inf\classes. Put all your class
files here.
7. Put all your jsp pages under htdocs\myproj.
8. You can now access your servlet as:

We got this solution from this mailing list too!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Affan Alim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 5:46 PM
Subject: servelet problem


When i write a servelet and make a class file and where i put it. What is
the directory structure in apache web server.
please send me directroy structure.


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