Hans Steinraht wrote:

Maybe someone can help me out with some questions I have to avoid the
OutOfMemory errors that I have from time to time

The computer where Tomcat, version 4.1.24, is running is a linux machine wit 500M memory
and j2sdk1.4.1.

I have read in this newsgroup that the solutions to avoid OutOfMemory errors is to set the
initial size of the memory allocation pool Xms to a value and also the max size Xmx.

In this I have to questions:
       1. what are the best values?
       2. happends when I set the values to high?

I have tried running tomcat with JAVA_OPTS="-Xms64m -Xmx256m", but the
problem still occurs, so can I set Xmx to 500m, but what is than happening
with the memory left (maybe there isn't) for tha other applications on thie

All increasing the -Xmx256M setting will do is delay the onset of the OOM condition, it won't fix it. If you compile a lot of JSPs, make sure that in the container's web.xml you set the fork attribute of the JspServlet to true or use jikes, otherwise that will leak memory as well.

With a machine that has 500M, I wouldn't use more than 256M for Tomcat unless nothing else is running on it.


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