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>You sent an email that does not contain the formated purchase data that this email 
>account is able to parse.
>So that we may be able to assist you, we offer the following suggestions.
>If you are writing to ask a question about a payment made to Kagi, you might be able 
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>If you have a question concerning a specific product you have purchased, we suggest 
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>Finally, if you wish to direct your question to a human being at Kagi, please send 
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>Thank you,
>>Shapira, Yoav wrote:
>>The fact that in the stock distribution the fork attrribute is set to
>>false by default is IMHO not very good choice. Took me several days of
>>headaches trying to find the leak in my code. When there is a disign
>>choice "slow" versus "crash for 1% of users" I would choose slow and
>>into some doc how to make it faster if it is required.
>>Well, that's your opinion. ;)  I for one disagree.
>>In addition, this issue is well-documented in several places, including
>>the JSPs How-To
>>(http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-5.0-doc/jasper-howto.html), the
>>Release Notes, the JSP servlet in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml, this
>>mailing list's archives, and links to this mailing list's archives from
>>the tomcat FAQ Memory page.  Workarounds such as precompilingare also
>>documented in at least one of the above places, including pre-compiling
>>your JSPs.
>>Sorry - I was trying to use tomcat 4.1.29 and never looked at 5.0 docs. In 4.1 ones 
>>there are really vague advices regarding memory ;-(
>>Also the 4.1.x was for quite a long period of time regarded as "stable" - not very 
>>stable with the default setting.
>>and following bash script:
>>while [ 1 ]
>>  /usr/bin/lynx -dump http://localhost:8080/test.jsp >> /tmp/m.txt
>>  touch /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29/webapps/ROOT/test.jsp
>>If this (the JSP page source changing on every user request) is a
>>realistic scenario for your webapp, you will also run into other, deeper
>>performance- and data-integrity related issues.  But why do I get the
>>feeling the above script doesn't mimic any realistic production system
>>scenario? ;)
>>Come on! That was an isolation test case. Of course this is not a production system. 
>>On the production system we have approx 20-30 jsps with headers being updated (XMLs 
>>fetched and transformed) from another service once in an hour. But this system could 
>>stay up no longer than 2 days. If I new that the compilation is a problem I would do 
>>it otherwise - but I have suspected our code with the leak. Tried to use insane
>>(http://performance.netbeans.org/insane/) to find the leak and found the tomcat 
>>buffers ...
>>Best regards,
>>Yoav Shapira
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>>the(an) intended recipient, please immediately delete this e-mail from your computer 
>>system and notify the sender.  Thank you.
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