
The info I've seen on this list about building mod_jk2 has been for rpm
installation. Here's the info I gathered so far trying to do Apache and
the connector all from source.

Building Apache2.0.48 and mod_jk2 (2.0.2) works seamlessly the following 

If you built Apache from source, such as in my HOWTO:

this will build mod_jk2 from source.

I haven't tested the connector yet, but no edits to the Makefile were
required to build mod_jk2.so.

I used this configuration script and make command in:


./configure --with-java-home=/usr/local/java/java --with-java-platform=2 
--with-tomcat41=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16 --with-jni 
--with-apr-include=/usr/local/apache2/include --with-pcre

make all

Then jkjni.so and mod_jk2.so will be in:


Hope that helps someone. BTW, trying do it with the ant build seemed
hopeless. I quickly abandoned that method.


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