Cool. Questions inside.

On Wed, 14 Jan 2004, Mark Eggers wrote:

> Oscar,
> Not a problem :-)
> I do have some additions to my original post.  The
> changes get UNIX sockets working as well as IP
> sockets.
> Set the following environment variables:
> export "LDFLAGS=-lgdbm -lldap -lexpat -ldb"

What's this need for? If it compiles, does that mean it's not necessary?

> export "CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/kerberos/include
> -I/usr/openssl/include"

Is this only neccessary if you want to do a secure mod_jk2 connection to a
separate machine running tomcat?

> (all on one line for the second command).  Use the
> appropriate command for the shell you're in.
> Tell configure about OS-specific files for Java JNI. 
> For linux and the Sun JVM, the files are located in
> include/linux underneath $JAVA_HOME.  The configure
> command for mod_jk2 is then:
> ./configure --with-apxs2=/home/apache/bin/apxs \
>             --with-tomcat41=/home/tomcat \
>             --with-os-type=include/linux \
>             --with-jni \
>             --with-pcre

I originally tried that "--with-os-type=include/linux" but it gave an 
error. It recognized that it was in a Linux environment so it seemed 

> Finally, modify the JK_LDFLAGS line in
> server/apache2/Makefile to include libaprutil.  It
> will read:
> JK_LDFLAGS=-L${APACHE2_LIBDIR} -lcrypt -lapr-0 -lpcre
> -lpcreposix -laprutil-0
> (again on one line).
> Run make, and the resulting / will
> support both IP socketes and UNIX sockets.
> In-process communication will probably have to wait
> until a new MPM module is out for Apache.
> The missing aprutil-0 library is probably due to an
> autoconf / configure issue.  The developers (according
> to folks on this mailing list) have decided to use the
> Apache apr interfaces, but have not finished updating
> the configure scripts.  This is really apparent if you
> try to build the connectors from the current CVS.

What does aprutil-0 provide?


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