Try disabling name resolution (see previous posts, I can't remember how this is done), just in case.

How does your CPU perform? Is it idle all time, or completely busy?

Antonio Fiol

tom ly wrote:

I've got Tomcat set up as the middle component passing heavy XML data between and client and a backend and it is very very slow. I've set a filter up to log the time it takes to process a request and loadtest with JMeter using 10 threads. Takes around 25,000ms to get a response from looking at JMeter. But when I look at the catalina logs, the times are not too bad, 700-800ms/request to receive and process a request. Seems like most of the problem is with connection speed, not processing speed. I've played around with my JAVA_OPTS and have got it to improve a bit, but I'm always getting the really high response times. Here are my JAVA_OPTS = "-server -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -Xmx1024 -Xmn100M -Xss100M" I'm using Sun SDK 1.4.1. What else can I do to improve the performance? What about using keepalive?

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