When I load test with JMeter using just 1 thread, my CPU jumps up to 55% while my 
memory usage stays at 11.5%, more shocking is that overall performance time is even 
worse??  Each request is taking 8-9 seconds for a response.  Whereas with 10 threads, 
the startup times were bad, but after the load gets rolling, time/request goes up and 
CPU vs. memory usage is more even..  I'm sure it has something to do with connection 
speed rather than code processing that is making it so slow.  Any advice anyone?  My 
goal is to have performance at 30 requests/sec.

tom ly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I really don't know what -Xss is for, I'll probably 
lower it now, at least to 1024k, i'm just experimenting. -Xmn though does make a big 
difference in my case. I can't get my load faster than 6 req/sec with CPU at 14% and 
memory usage at 11% using the "top" command in Linux Redhat.

Jacob Kjome wrote:
It shouldn't do anything because of case sensitivity. As I said before, it 
isn't "100M", it is "100m". And I still think that Xss value has got to be 
a bit off, but if it works for you, who am I to say you shouldn't use it.


At 09:05 AM 2/16/2004 -0800, you wrote:
>JAVA_OPTS = "-server -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -Xmn100M -Xss100M"
>-Xmn is the size of the younger generation heap. Before having -Xmn my 
>CPU was running at 95% while memory was at 4%. After putting -Xmn my CPU 
>and memory usage are both aroun 11 %.
>Jacob Kjome wrote:
>The JAVA_OPTS settings below are doing nothing whatsoever. Tom, you need
>to remember that these are case sensitive. You must add "m" for Megabytes
>and "k" for Kilobytes, not "M" or "K". You didn't even provide a value for
>-Xmx. And why are you attempting to set -Xss to 100 Megabytes? The
>default is 512k. I've never bothered setting that before, but I have to
>think that 100m is just a bad idea. And I don't even think that -Xmn is an
>option. I've never seen it in the docs.
>Based on this, I don't think you really have a good understanding of how to
>tweak JVM performance. I suggest reading the docs before posting to the
>At 09:24 AM 2/15/2004 +0100, you wrote:
> >Try disabling name resolution (see previous posts, I can't remember how
> >this is done), just in case.
> >
> >How does your CPU perform? Is it idle all time, or completely busy?
> >
> >Antonio Fiol
> >
> >tom ly wrote:
> >
> >>I've got Tomcat set up as the middle component passing heavy XML data
> >>between and client and a backend and it is very very slow. I've set a
> >>filter up to log the time it takes to process a request and loadtest with
> >>JMeter using 10 threads. Takes around 25,000ms to get a response from
> >>looking at JMeter. But when I look at the catalina logs, the times are
> >>not too bad, 700-800ms/request to receive and process a request. Seems
> >>like most of the problem is with connection speed, not processing
> >>speed. I've played around with my JAVA_OPTS and have got it to improve a
> >>bit, but I'm always getting the really high response times. Here are my
> >>JAVA_OPTS = "-server -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -Xmx1024 -Xmn100M -Xss100M" I'm
> >>using Sun SDK 1.4.1. What else can I do to improve the
> >>performance? What about using keepalive?
> >>
> >>
> >>---------------------------------
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> >>
> >
> >
> >
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