I really don't know what -Xss is for, I'll probably lower it now, at least to 1024k, 
i'm just experimenting.  -Xmn though does make a big difference in my case.  I can't 
get my load faster than 6 req/sec with CPU at 14% and memory usage at 11% using the 
"top" command in Linux Redhat.

Jacob Kjome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It shouldn't do anything because of case sensitivity. As I said before, it 
isn't "100M", it is "100m". And I still think that Xss value has got to be 
a bit off, but if it works for you, who am I to say you shouldn't use it.


At 09:05 AM 2/16/2004 -0800, you wrote:
>JAVA_OPTS = "-server -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -Xmn100M -Xss100M"
>-Xmn is the size of the younger generation heap. Before having -Xmn my 
>CPU was running at 95% while memory was at 4%. After putting -Xmn my CPU 
>and memory usage are both aroun 11 %.
>Jacob Kjome wrote:
>The JAVA_OPTS settings below are doing nothing whatsoever. Tom, you need
>to remember that these are case sensitive. You must add "m" for Megabytes
>and "k" for Kilobytes, not "M" or "K". You didn't even provide a value for
>-Xmx. And why are you attempting to set -Xss to 100 Megabytes? The
>default is 512k. I've never bothered setting that before, but I have to
>think that 100m is just a bad idea. And I don't even think that -Xmn is an
>option. I've never seen it in the docs.
>Based on this, I don't think you really have a good understanding of how to
>tweak JVM performance. I suggest reading the docs before posting to the
>At 09:24 AM 2/15/2004 +0100, you wrote:
> >Try disabling name resolution (see previous posts, I can't remember how
> >this is done), just in case.
> >
> >How does your CPU perform? Is it idle all time, or completely busy?
> >
> >Antonio Fiol
> >
> >tom ly wrote:
> >
> >>I've got Tomcat set up as the middle component passing heavy XML data
> >>between and client and a backend and it is very very slow. I've set a
> >>filter up to log the time it takes to process a request and loadtest with
> >>JMeter using 10 threads. Takes around 25,000ms to get a response from
> >>looking at JMeter. But when I look at the catalina logs, the times are
> >>not too bad, 700-800ms/request to receive and process a request. Seems
> >>like most of the problem is with connection speed, not processing
> >>speed. I've played around with my JAVA_OPTS and have got it to improve a
> >>bit, but I'm always getting the really high response times. Here are my
> >>JAVA_OPTS = "-server -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -Xmx1024 -Xmn100M -Xss100M" I'm
> >>using Sun SDK 1.4.1. What else can I do to improve the
> >>performance? What about using keepalive?
> >>
> >>
> >>---------------------------------
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> >>
> >
> >
> >
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