> This is almost certainly because you're running a firewall. It's 
kind of 

> an involved topic, and not one I'm an expert on anyway, so you 

> check out this:


> http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Firewall-HOWTO.html

Thank you for the reply. Yes I am running a firewall but I am 
familiar with it as I have been running it for years. I have opened 
port 8080 as I have other ports when I needed to. 

> > Beware: many distros have customized firewall software. Anyway, 

> isn't a tomcat problem.

I run iptables. I suppose it could be a firewall problem, however, I 
am able to run other servers like Apache just fine but yet Tomcat is 
not. Perhaps there is some configuration that I failed to do with 
Tomcat or should it work right out the box with no modifications 


Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)

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