Session crossover is a common problem especially when many people log in
from the same machine.  The reason for this could be from caching of the
browser.  What you need to do is to force it to go back to the server and
get the user the latest information.  One way to do this is to add timestamp
data and session id in the url of the page, as this is unique to the user,
and if you run checks on the timestamp etc you can add extra security to
your site also.  This way you will be able to guarantee that the sessions
will stop getting crossed and the right info gets put infront of the user.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "shyam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 8:17 AM
Subject: Session Mess

> Hi All,
> I have an application running on tomcat 4.1.24. Recently I have seen
> some cases where the session is getting messed up. When a user logs in ,
> the data shown is for another user. Recently I had some session expiring
> problems as lot of my sessions never expired. I just fixed the bug by
> setting maxInactiveInterval time. Is it because of this the sessions are
> getting messed up or any other reason. Any help would be thankful
> Thanks
> shyam
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