As other people have said its possible, depending on the machine and set up, to log in 
remotely and stop and start it. 

I would suggest an alternative solution, in that you try to find out what is causing 
your OutOfMemoryError's. There are numerous free and commercial java profilers which 
can help you look into the heap and see which objects are hanging around causing your 
memory leak. It may also be the case that you just have to increase your maximum heap 
size but it doesnt sounds like this is your problem here.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 31 May 2004 05:20
Subject: Remote Start / Stop of tomcat

Once in a week I need to restart Tomcat due to "OutofMemoryError". But I do
not have access to the server for doing this. So, I am looking for a
mechanism (if possible) to start / stop Tomcat remotely. Is this possible?

If its possible please let me know how to do.

Thank you,
Best Regards,

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