On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 12:30:01PM +0200, Bram Van Grimbergen wrote:
: Can I ask you, experts in jsp, why I should use tomcat/jakarte instead of
: jrun?
: I know too little about the differences to make a good choice.

Then you'll have to do some research, so you can make an informed
decision ;)  This is way too important, and too app-specific a question
for anyone to give you a direct answer.

Here are some questions to ask yourself/your management/your team/etc
concerning the decision:

1/ what version of the servlet spec/jsp spec does each container
implement?  (Tomcat 5 is servlet 2.4/jsp 2.0, the latest standard)

2/ Is commercial support important to you, or can you handle volunteer
support via mailing list and self-support via research/testing?  Does
your team have the technical know-how (and managerial understanding) to
realistically handle self-support?

3/ What features does your app require? e.g. clustering (Tomcat 5 does
this), EJB (Tomcat 5 does *not* do this on its own, but it can be
extended with third-party products), etc?

One question to *not* ask is, "how does Tomcat compare to JRun in terms
of performance?"  That would require you drop your app into each
container and run a load-test.  A lot of J2EE webapp performance lies in
the hands of the app itself.

Finally, consider this: Tomcat is free, and (hopefully) Macromedia/JRun
offers a brief free trial.  As long as you stick to spec-compliant
behavior, you could develop your app under Tomcat, get some performance
specs, then drop that same webapp into JRun and test again.



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