On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 11:19:39PM -0500, Steve Luzynski wrote:
: Using Tomcat 5.0.25 on Mac OS X (10.3.4 specifically). Trying to 
: implement container managed security.
:  [snip: deployment descriptor]
: When I try to hit a url like 
: http://localhost:9006/IPBoss/add/add_network.html, which as near as I 
: can tell should trigger authentication, I just get the page I'm asking 
: for - no login.

Humor me -- is there an Apache server in front of Tomcat that's
intercepting the .html? 

(I hate to ask this) but did you restart Tomcat after making the web.xml

Otherwise, web.xml looks spec-compliant as far as I can tell.



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