I have two tomcat instances , each one of them has it's own server.xml file
and it's context.
My directory structure is webapps       ->App1->WEB-INF->web.xml
Tomcat#1 has App1 context and Tomcat#2 has App2 context (defined in
server1.xml and server2.xml)
On my web.xml files i have load-on-startup directive.
My Problem is that i expexted that each tomcat will activate its own web.xml
file ( in it's WEB-INF directory of the context)

But every tomcat uses both web.xml files !!!!????
The indication of the problem is that both tomcat's instances try to load on
startup all the servlets defined in the web.xml files.

Tomcat version 3.2.1
Apache version 1.3.14 (Unix) mod_jk

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