Seak, Teng-Fong wrote:

Nikola Milutinovic wrote:

Tomcat 5 supports all the features of the underlying JVM, the problem is in the JSPs. They are compiled by Jasper + Eclipse compiler module, which, in version 5.5.9, has no support for Java5. Later versions of Tomcat have a newer version of Eclipse Compiler and it works. Also, you can plugin manually a newer version of Eclipse compiler, try to search the mailing list for posts on how to do it (simple, if I remember correctly).

I would just forget about it. Nowadays, a simple search would give hundreds, if not thousands or millions, results. The problem is I don't know what keyword(s) to use. Last time I spent quite a lot of time (at least half an hour) to find out that Tomcat (well, JSP) couldn't support Java5.

Well, just to clarify, JSPs *can* run Java5 idioms - if you provide Tomcat with a JSP/Java compiler that will undestand them. Servlets are compiled by you and will have no problems running on the desired JVM. OTOH, having Java code in JSPs is evil and should be moved to Servlets or Struts Actions or whatever is the equivalent in Java ServerFaces. JSP are for displaying only.

Having said that, I must contradict myself here. I have found that sometimes having a bit of Java code in JSP can clarify things, but it can also bring in a nightmare, especially with JSF. Keep Java code in JSPs to the minimum and if you have to use it, use it for presentation logic only. Business logic should be elsewhere.


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