That sound like

is redirected to

To me this looks like a bug in the part of tomcat that is 
responsible for the redirection to the 'welcome file'.
(The welcome file is implemented in tomcat as a http redirect)

Using mod_rewrite on port 80 won't help anything as
your browser is already talking to port 443 (just with the
wrong protokoll).

If you really need the welcome file you can try to let apache 
serve the welcome file:

LoadModule dir_module <path-to-apache>/lib/


<IfModule mod_dir.c>
    DirectoryIndex index.html /index.html
    # First look in the requested directory for index.html,
    # if this file doesn't exist look in the document root for
    # index.html

> '' 
> It does not matter, if click on the link, or type it in the Browser

> I tried also to use apaches mod_rewrite to redirect all 
> acesses from Port 80 to Port 443, but this did not work either 

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