I'm replying to my own message because I have sort of made some progress

I have found (by reading the mod_jk.log - which I should have checked
before) that mod_jk was failing to connect to a socket.  I spent a long time
trying to figure out whi it couldn't connect as I could do it manually.
Eventually I realised that the latest version of mod_jk comes with a default
workers.properties file that is set up to use AJP14.  Tomcat 4.0.4 doesn't
seem to support AJP14 and the connection refused was caused by this.  All
the HowTos say you don't need to touch workers.properties unless you need to
do something unusual - this is not the case.

I have now got rid of the connection refused problem - but I still can't get
Apache/mod_jk to pass requests to Tomcat.

Could someone post or point me at a working workers.properties file as I
have now hacked mine arround and I'm not sure it is OK.

Also (going back to my orriginal problem) if anyone has any ideas why apache
isn't passing requests to tomcat I would love to hear them.  I get nothing
in any of the Tomcat or mod_jk logs and apache returns a page not found.

Sorry to keep posting here - but I really don't know what's going on.



PS - What does AJP14 do ?  I tried to find info but all I found was a faq
post saying AJP14 didn't exist as it was a failed experiment !?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony Milbourne [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 09 September 2002 16:38
> To:   'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject:      RE: Url Mapping with mod_jk
> Hi again
> The stagenewngfl host element is defined twice (which is a bit strange now
> I
> look at it).  Once in the Tomcat-Standalone service section and once in
> the
> Tomcat-Apache service section.  I do want it to be available both through
> Apache and direct from Tomcat.  I took a guess and got rid of the host in
> the Tomcat-Apache service.  This seems to have worked as the generated
> conf
> file now only has one virtualhost entry for stagenewngfl.  I presume from
> this that all contexts are shared among all services (even if the context
> isn't defined in the given service) - which seems a bit odd.
> Then I started playing and seeing if I could define an examples context
> under stagenewngfl.  I couldn't get it to work and it just gave me page
> not
> found.  I then tried changing the path attribute for the stagenewngfl
> context to be /stagenewngfl.  That didn't work either.  It seems that I
> can't get http://stagenewngfl.ngfl.gov.uk/anything-at-all/ to work.
> However
> I still seem to be able to get pages from my webapp if I go to the root
> (for
> instance http://stagenewngfl.ngfl.gov.uk/index.jsp), but that is when I
> get
> JSP source back.
> I am now more confused than I was :-(
> I hope this all means something to someone as I have lost it.
> I hope you can help,
>       Anthony.
> PS I doubt the links in this mail will work as our firewall will probably
> block them.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Turner, John [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       09 September 2002 13:31
> > To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> > Subject:    RE: Url Mapping with mod_jk
> > 
> > 
> > Make sure there is only one Host container in server.xml for
> > stagenewngfl.ngfl.gov.uk.  There should only be three Listener elements,
> > one
> > for Server, one for localhost, and one for stagenewngfl.ngfl.gov.uk.
> > 
> > Do you get the source of the JSP pages when you access
> > http://localhost/examples or only when you access
> > http://stagenewngfl.ngfl.gov.uk/some.jsp ?  What is the URL of the JSP
> > page
> > you are trying to test...does it match any of the URL mappings in your
> > mod_jk.conf?
> > 
> > John

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