On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 01:31 PM, Martin Jacobson wrote:

Felipe Schnack wrote:
Anyone have experience with Tomcat on MacOS X servers? Or with java in
general? I would like to know if these machines are good options for
serving jsp or I should stick with PCs...
I'm running Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat 4.1.12 + OpenSSL + MySQL on Mac OS 10.2 and it all runs just fine!

Check the archives - someone posted recently regarding probs with Mac OS X *Server* - IIRC, WebObjects is pre-installed, and generates some conflicts with Tomcat.
That was me. If you're running on OS X Server, there's a catalina.jar in /Library/Java/Extensions, or maybe in /Library/Java/Home/lib/ext/,
or at least somewhere in the system classpath (see the archives).

I'm not sure what this is used by ... not the default tomcat install, but *maybe* by WebObjects (although quite possibly not).

Anyway, you will need to disable this file somehow (I gzipp'ed it) to get a custom install of tomcat (> 4.0.6, but probably some lower versions as well) to run.

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