heh, funny... No I do not work for Apple - there're popular sayings that sort of goes like "people that work at the salami factory don't eat it salami", "if you really like her, don't marry her" etc. In any case, I must admit at being very psyched about having having a Mac UI over Unix. The stars have aligned themselves!

In regards to dev tools. I basically use a my favorite text editor, usual shell scripting, Jarkata Ant and will occasionally wonder into C and Objective-C and for that I used the Apple Dev Tools which are a free download. Be as it may, my understanding is that there a quite a few IDEs that MacOSX friendly i.e., JBuilder, Forte, NetBeans, CodeWarrior, TogetherJ and some others. Here's a link that showcases a handful of them and some other cool tools -beware that not all are top of the line:


On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 02:40 PM, Felipe Schnack wrote:

  Seems nice! Probably I'll be using a MacOS server very soon. But and
what about development tools? Do you use any? I'm now using IBM's
Eclipse Project under RedHat Linux.
  Man, you work at Machintosh, don't you? :-)

On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 15:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I dropped my PC for development work once I got on MacOSX (Nope I'm not
aspiring to be in an Apple add) but it's worth exploring for those of
you who are thinking about it. MacOSX is an excellent option for
serving JSP and great Java platform in general. It gives Java a red
carpet treatment for example it provides a decent class browser, tools
to turn your Java apps into double-clickable apps, some Swing
enhancements provide for the Aqua look and feel etc. The shipping JDK
is 1.3.1 but 1.4.x is at it's final beta stages. I have used Tomcat 3.x
and currently on 4.1.12,

I personally prefer it to any version of Windows since it adds a
gazillion cool things on top of its Unix implementation. However, If
your are the proud "vi" type of developer then you may not care about
UI tricks etc. But the core Unix is is there as expected. Some
differences exist but nothing too dramatic. If interested, there's an
excellent book out there by O'Reilly, "MacOSX for Unix Geeks" which
describes these:


As far as J2EE is concerned, all the Opensource J2EE apps that I come
across so far
perform as well as they would in any other Unix i.e. JBoss, OpenEJB,
Tomcat, Jetty, Apache -but this is just a gut feel
assessment, I have no formal metrics.

On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 09:37 AM, Martin Redington wrote:

On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 01:31 PM, Martin Jacobson wrote:

Felipe Schnack wrote:
Anyone have experience with Tomcat on MacOS X servers? Or with
java in
general? I would like to know if these machines are good options for
serving jsp or I should stick with PCs...
I'm running Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat 4.1.12 + OpenSSL + MySQL on Mac
OS 10.2 and it all runs just fine!

Check the archives - someone posted recently regarding probs with Mac
OS X *Server* - IIRC, WebObjects is pre-installed, and generates some
conflicts with Tomcat.
That was me. If you're running on OS X Server, there's a catalina.jar
in /Library/Java/Extensions, or maybe in /Library/Java/Home/lib/ext/,
or at least somewhere in the system classpath (see the archives).

I'm not sure what this is used by ... not the default tomcat install,
but *maybe* by WebObjects (although quite possibly not).

Anyway, you will need to disable this file somehow (I gzipp'ed it) to
get a custom install of tomcat (> 4.0.6, but probably some lower
versions as well) to run.

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Felipe Schnack
Analista de Sistemas
Cel.: (51)91287530
Linux Counter #281893

Faculdade Ritter dos Reis
Fone/Fax.: (51)32303328

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