* cris.moreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [1220 11:20]:

> Hello. I'd like to know, or if you have some server.xml example to show me, 
> how can I configure more than one Virtual Host in Tomcat, and each host 
> pointing to a different directory of webapps. 

Normally when you define appBase, that defines a new direcotry like webapps,
i.e. if you have an appBase of 'foo', in a host 'foo.com' then requests to

'foo.com/test' get sent to the webapp in $CATALINA_BASE/foo/test/

> I know that I must set up the 
> parameter "appBase" in the tag <Host...></Host>, but can I have more than 
> one <host...> inside an <Engine> or must I create another <Service> of it? 

Multiple Hosts can share an Engine, yes.
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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