On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 15:46, Billy Ng wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I really need some opinion here.  We build the web app with java
> because it is portable, but some of the IT guys really don't like to
> install tomcat, jdk on their Windows boxes.  My question is if it is
> common to ship java web app to Windows box with tomcat and jdk.  They
> said we should not even build the java app in the first place.  They
> want ASP.  I was shipping products to Unix boxes so I don't know why
> Windows people will have such complaints.  If you have shipped your
> java web app to Windows box before, please share your opinion with me.

Shipping a java app to windows is common assuming that you aren't intent
on running ASP's.  IIS will integrate with web application servers,
including tomcat, websphere and weblogic.  It makes perefect sense to do
this if Java provides benefits to you that make it a superiror choice to
ASP's.  In your case, the primary benefit seems to be cross-platform
capability, which is something ASP's definitely cannot do.

Running tomcat is an effective and low-cost way of running your java web
application in a windows environment.  If you need to deploy in a
homogenous environment it makes a lot more sense to install Tomcat on
the windows box than to rewrite the entire application to run in two
different environments.  Using tomcat to run a java web application is
really no different than using IIS to run ASP's, it just happens to be
that IIS is pre-installed on windows whereas you actually have to
install Tomcat yourself.   

I've deployed java applications to windows environments many times, and
I've always done so because I wanted to have the flexibility to deploy
on different platforms.  We could have a religious war over whether
ASP's or JSP's are better, but ultimately if cross-platform capability
is important, only one of these is the correct answer.


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