mm... I really need to read the license again.  I don't know why sun let
users to download the JRE like JDK but not redistributable.

I know tomcat is not built for serving static content.  However, it will
make the whole case more complicated to ship the static files to different
web server they use.  The whole idea to build the java web app on tomcat is
we don't want to make different versions for different OSs.  We don't even
want to make special case for web server.

I totally agree it involves some learning on the tomcat and java.  I know a
windows ops guy did not even know how to start tomcat.  I wrote program on
Windows that ran on Novell network before.  After the NT getting more
popular, my program is causing so much trouble on migration.  This is why I
asked how common to ship java web app to windows box.

The management does not give a shit on this issue.  It just the IT depart
complains it.  I am sure they won't make any noise if we ship the app to
Unix box.

Billy Ng

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ola Berg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: Ship java app to windows box

>My question is if it is common to ship java web app to Windows box with
tomcat and jdk.

Common, I don't know, but it isn't legal (license-wise) to redistribute the
JDK (only the JRE), and the JDK is needed for tomcat.

Second: whíle you can distribute tomcat bundled with your application, you
probably want to integrate with the static web server on site (IIS?).
Someone needs to do the laying-on-hands, be it either you, the IT staff or
some consultant/contractor.

>From an IT perspective, I can see their point. Religious views on OS or not,
you are actually asking them to support a completely new platform and
technology, and that isn't done in a snap. Perhaps do they feel that they
cannot guarantee to deliver at the quality they are used to, should they
have to cope with a technology they don't know.

Tomcat and Java might be easy to admin, but it is not _trivial_ (else why
should we have this list?). There are a couple of new skills and routines
for the IT department to incorporate, and they should be given the time and
motivation to do so. IT folks don't want things in their system that they
don't know how to restart, configure, back-up and in other ways manage.

What do the management say about this? Does anyone stand behind you? What
motivates and controls the selection of supported technologies within the
organization? Who tells the IT folks what they should do?


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