On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 16:49, Johnson, Garrett wrote:
> There are a lot of reasons why one would prefer java over asp, but why not
> just take this position with the IT people:
> The fact is, they're IT.  If you, as a developer decide, as part of your
> job, that a problem cannot be solved without using java, then they, as IT
> people, as part of their jobs, need to make that work.

Ultimately what this all boils down to is the age old question of
business cases for anything.  What does it cost the IT department to
install and support tomcat?  What does it cost to develop the entire
application in two different environments?  It is better for the
business, to do this in the most cost-effective way possible.  Unless
the IT people can demonstrate that it costs too much to support this,
then they should just cope.

The job of IT and developers is to find the most effective way to get
the job done.  Sometimes IT is right to shoot down the developers, but
it doesn't sound like that's the case here.  


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