I'm doing it in my server.xml file this way:
<!DOCTYPE Server [
   <!ENTITY inc_vhosts SYSTEM "/etc/tomcat4/vhosts.xml">

and somewhere in the <Engine>:

Turner, John wrote:

That makes sense. OK, next question, in a thread started yesterday, it was
mentioned (correctly, I assume) that you could use XML entities to include
external XML files into server.xml.
So, this link came up on Google:


Which leads a person to believe that something like
<!ENTITY vhost SYSTEM "/path/to/tomcat/conf/vhost1.xml">

Then towards the bottom:


would work in server.xml, but it doesn't. Error: "Catalina.start:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content beginning "<!" is not legal markup. "

Is this a futile path, or is it possible to include external XML into
server.xml when server.xml is parsed? If so, how?



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