> From: "Turner, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 2:44 AM
> Subject: RE: setting up classpath for tomcat running as windows NT service

> Tomcat sets it's own classpath...it ignores environment variables except

This is only partially true, and a common misconception. (John, you should
know better.)

Tomcat does indeed go to great lengths to set up its own class loaders, and
catalina.bat/.sh happens to, mostly, ignore CLASSPATH, but that does not
mean the Tomcat does. In many ways, it simply can't.

You can always change catalina.bat/.sh (or not use it at all if you so
desire) to set the CLASSPATH environment variable, or pass the -classpath
parameter on the java command line, and Tomcat will see those classes
through the system class loader.

It is not the recommended way to add classes to Tomcat, but it is still a
viable, and rarely, a necessary option.

Now, how this affects setting up the CLASSPATH for running Tomcat as a NT
service, I haven't a clue. But, FYI and all that y'all.


Will Hartung

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