
I have successfully integrated tomcat (4.0.6) with apache (1.3.26) on linux
and I am able to access a single virtual host (e.g. myapplication) located
in the tomcat/webapps/myapplication directory using a url like that:


However I would like to be able to access the files in that directory
without using the path /myapplication.

I have been playing around with the configuration files but I have not been
able to alter the configuration according to my needs. Does anybody know if
this is possible?

Thanks in advance.


PS: The relevant sections of httpd.conf and server.xml are listed below.

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName meinfotoalbum.
   ServerAlias www.meinfotoalbum.com

   DocumentRoot /usr/local/tomcat/mywebapps/meinfoto
   <Directory "/usr/local/tomcat/mywebapps/meinfoto/">
         DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

    #mod_jk link to tomcat
   JkMount / ajp13
   JkMount /* ajp13

   #prohibit access of WEB-INF
    <Location "/WEB-INF/">
        AllowOverride None
        deny from all

    #prohibit access of META-INF
   <Location "/META-INF/">
      AllowOverride None
       deny from all

  <Host name="meinfotoalbum.com" debug="0" appBase="mywebapps"
    <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
        directory="logs" prefix="meinfotoalbum_log." suffix=".txt"
        timestamp="true" />
    <Context path="" docBase="meinfoto" debug="0" reloadable="false"/>
    <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"
        append="true"  />

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