Sounds like you don't have the appropiate driver loaded or you have incorrectly specified your pgsql driver in server.xml. Double check the values. I make that mistake alot.

David Durst wrote:
Sure it won't work.
Check out the res-ref-name. Here you claim it is admin/larco , but in
server.xml you tell tomcat it is jdbc/larco. So if you do a lookup for
jdbc/larco or admin/larco the name is not bound to the context.
admin/larco should be jdbc/larco.
Make the changes and see if it works.
Sorry that is because I had been moving the names back and forth to try to
get them to work.

I just un-commented, changed the name, stopped & started tomcat.

This is what I get now :)
java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'

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