
Ah, thanks. That worked. Actually, this was the first thing I tried, but I
realised I was defining the <Host> tags inside the localhost one. (Oops :)

Unfortunatly, it still leaves me with a problem. I really don't want to have to
shut down tomcat and restart everytime I add a new user to the system. Tomcat
takes a while to "warm up", which is a period when every customer request for a
java application returns 500. mod_webapp allows me to define the context in
httpd.conf, which is pretty handy.

Is there any way I can use mod_jk to have tomcat take it's cue from Apache as to
what context it ought to be in? Alternatively, is there a port I can signal
Tomcat on to reread it's configuration?


Quoting Lajos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Chris -
> Oops - I realize my mistake. I was thinking something entirely 
> different. You should have two <Host> blocks, one for each vhost, one 
> with appBase of /www/cust1 and one with appBase of /www/cust2. Sorry for
> leading you the wrong way.
> If that still doesn't work, email me your server.xml and httpd.conf
> offline.
> Regards,
> Lajos

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