U must be using UNIX, although I have no experience with UNIX, but let me throw out my 
thoughts at it. I use Tomcat 4.1.18 under Win200, no problem.
In general I do not modify .sh or.bat file, when I need to put something .jar into the 
classpath of many webapps, I just do it using system variables (again windows).  In 
your case, I just modify the classpath in the shell (DOS window), using
set classpath=%classpath%;your_folder
So this is a temporary change, next time the computer is on, it is lost. U can even 
put the above into a .sh file (setclasspath_tc) with parameters, so that
setclasspath_tc myapp
will do
set classpath=%classpath%;c:\tomcat\webapps\myapp\WEB-INF\classes.
For a lazy man like me, this has worked well.
 William Claxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Since I didn't see any reply to my first 
post, let me try to restate, and
simplify the issue. Interested readers may refer to the earlier post (same
subject) for details.

We encountered an issue when adding a classpath entry to the Tomcat
(v4.1.18) 'setclasspath.sh' script. It so happens that the classpath entry
'/home/web/mediaware/WEB-INF/classes' is already accessible as a context,
but we need the classpath entry for some functions internal to our servlet.
When we add this classpath entry using 'setclasspath.sh', Tomcat seems to
loose its context. There are no errors in any of the startup logs, but
servlets located in '/home/web/mediaware/WEB-INF/classes' cannot run properly.

For a simple HelloWorld script located in this 'classes' folder, the
failure exhibits itself as inability to find the HttpServlet service. This
can be fixed if we also add the following entry to the classpath:


This seems odd. Why does adding an existing 'classes' folder to our
classpath cause Tomcat to fail to find it's own supporting jar file?
Incidentally, the added entry in our classpath also causes Tomcat to fail
to find supporting jar files in '/home/web/mediaware/WEB-INF/lib'.

Any ideas?

Regards, Bill Claxton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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