On 11/18/2013 9:29 AM, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:
> What is the "DXCC Desk" anyway?  It used to be just Bob White W1CW
> seated at a real oak desk with stacks of cards and papers and Bob's
> omnipresent huge Sherlock Holmes handy magnifying glass to look for
> any alterations.

The DXCC Desk is still the ARRL Awards Manager (e.g. NC1L) supported
by several clerical assistants.  The Awards program is located within
the ARRL MVP (Membership and Volunteer Programs) Department which is
managed by NN1N.

> Now new countries are created and approved for political purposes
> and real ones are refused for political purposes, like Kosovo and
> Chechnya.

Fortunately, country creation is clearly defined in the DXCC rules
and "new ones" are no longer created for political reasons (like
Baldwin's Reef and Scaffold (BS) Reef).  Unfortunately, the rules
have a blind spot regarding Kosovo but adding "Independent States in
the World - http://www.state.gov/s/inr/rls/4250.htm - to the criteria
would solve that problem.  As far as Chechnya, Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, South
Ossetia, etc. they are all "governments in opposition" - not real
functioning nations recognized by either the US, the UN or a significant number of other nation.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 11/18/2013 9:29 AM, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:
What is the "DXCC Desk" anyway?  It used to be just Bob White W1CW
seated at a real oak desk with stacks of cards and papers and Bob's
omnipresent huge Sherlock Holmes handy magnifying glass to look for any
alterations.  Today I understand the "DXCC Desk" is no longer a desk at
all but is comprised of computers, LOTW servers, and a DXCC Committee,
which is "tasked" by another Committee made up primarily by HQ employees
and answer, perhaps, to the ARRL Board of Directors.  I think the
organization flow chart may even be a mystery inside of an enigma.
Perhaps a Kafkaesque relic from some other place.   That's how they like
it.  Now new countries are created and approved for political purposes
and real ones are refused for political purposes, like Kosovo and
Chechnya.    Maybe instead of referring to it as the "DXCC Desk" perhaps
the "DXCC Regime"  would be more appropriate.

Mis dos centavos

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 11/18/2013 9:12 AM, James Rodenkirch wrote:
Sheesh, Carl!! I doubt if the ARRL desk is gonna,  or even should,
weigh in on something they'd have no control over OR would have even
an inkling of what went on to cause them  to question it!
First off, last time I looked, the QSL sent and received is between
the sender, in this case me, and the receiver/replyee, the DX bubba
AND, most importantly, is based on the notion that both are telling
the truth!!!! How in the hell would/could the DXCC question that???
They gonna think we both are lying???
NOW, in the case of suspected "cheating" - me submitting a QSL card,
as part of my DXCC 160 package submission for a QSO on 160 between
K9JWV and PT0S at 1700Z on any day of the year - I could see them
saying "Prove it"!  Hi Hi
I am FASCINATED by your mention of a "Prove it, Dood" via requesting
an audio tape of a QSO for validation!!  Wow!!
72, Jim R. K9JWV

From: k...@jeremy.mv.com
To: rodenkirch_...@msn.com; ber...@dailydx.com
CC: ve...@sasktel.net; topband@contesting.com; he...@vitelcom.net
Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 20:03:05 -0500

I would think that the ultimate decision is up to the ARRL DXCC desk.
In the past if it wasnt in the log it didnt count....period...no
matter who
was before or after. Expecting an operator to remember a mistake months
later...or his QSL manager....is a stretch.

This brought about many decades ago of making a tape copy (that shows
age) whenever a new one was worked and a few times having to present
it to
the DXCC desk to obtain credit.

Im not saying you both didnt do a full legitimate exchange, dont get me
wrong there.

Perhaps someone from the DXCC desk can weigh in.


---- Original Message -----
From: "James Rodenkirch" <rodenkirch_...@msn.com>
To: "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" <ber...@dailydx.com>; "KM1H Carl"
Cc: "Doug Renwick" <ve...@sasktel.net>; "Top Band Contesting"
<topband@contesting.com>; "KV4FZ Herb" <he...@vitelcom.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and

As Bernie says, "Mistakes happen."
Just to re-iterate --- they DID copy my call correctly!! I heard them
back to me with K9JWV 599! THAT's why I put in the log.
  I wouldn't have logged the QSO if he came back "K9JJV 599"!!! I'd
still be
there calling them!! Hi HiI'm ok with the notion it's not a valid QSO IF
they got my call wrong in the exchange, which they didn't! Them
mucking up
my call entry in the log is a different matter.
72, Jim R. K9JWV

From: ber...@dailydx.com
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:29:18 -0500
To: z...@jeremy.mv.com
CC: he...@vitelcom.net; topband@contesting.com; ve...@sasktel.net
Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and

Like I said - mistakes happen.  If the guy who made the mistake
he did so and is will to correct the error that is nothing wrong with

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX, The Weekly DX and How's DX?
Two week trial - http://www.dailydx.com/trial.htm

On Nov 16, 2013, at 8:46 AM, ZR <z...@jeremy.mv.com> wrote:

Ive always been under the impression that both calls have to be sent,
received, and verified to count for DXCC and other awards. QSO's on
are no different than EME when it comes to verification.
Unless an audio recording (SSB/CW) is kept to verify a mistake was
in the log the result is still a busted call which also gets deleted
during contest log checking.

Am I wrong here?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bernie McClenny, W3UR"
To: "Doug Renwick" <ve...@sasktel.net>
Cc: "Topband reflector" <topband@contesting.com>; "KV4FZ Herb"
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:08 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and

Ugh - Let me go on the record as saying I don’t like this idea and I
wish this can of worms was not opened!  Thankfully US stations (and
hopefully others) no longer have second (personal) calls.  Yes we have
club calls, but thankfully those QSOs will not count for ones personal
DXCC records.  I’ve been on DXpeditions and had guys download all
calls on me (on each band and band mode!), taking away the opportunity
for other Deserving DXers to get into the log.  Yes I realize
the DXpedition or DX operator makes a mistake and I have been burned
once or twice over the years, not at the fault of my own but by the
other guy in the QSO.  I much prefer K9JWV’s method by noting in my
the previous or next QSO.

Flame retardant suit on!


Bernie McClenny, W3UR

Topband Reflector
Topband Reflector

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Version: 10.0.1432 / Virus Database: 3222/6344 - Release Date: 11/17/13

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Rodenkirch" <rodenkirch_...@msn.com>
To: "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" <ber...@dailydx.com>; "KM1H Carl"
Cc: "Doug Renwick" <ve...@sasktel.net>; "Top Band Contesting"
<topband@contesting.com>; "KV4FZ Herb" <he...@vitelcom.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and

As Bernie says, "Mistakes happen."
Just to re-iterate --- they DID copy my call correctly!! I heard them
back to me with K9JWV 599! THAT's why I put in the log.
  I wouldn't have logged the QSO if he came back "K9JJV 599"!!! I'd
still be
there calling them!! Hi HiI'm ok with the notion it's not a valid QSO IF
they got my call wrong in the exchange, which they didn't! Them
mucking up
my call entry in the log is a different matter.
72, Jim R. K9JWV

From: ber...@dailydx.com
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:29:18 -0500
To: z...@jeremy.mv.com
CC: he...@vitelcom.net; topband@contesting.com; ve...@sasktel.net
Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and

Like I said - mistakes happen.  If the guy who made the mistake
he did so and is will to correct the error that is nothing wrong with

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX, The Weekly DX and How's DX?
Two week trial - http://www.dailydx.com/trial.htm

On Nov 16, 2013, at 8:46 AM, ZR <z...@jeremy.mv.com> wrote:

Ive always been under the impression that both calls have to be sent,
received, and verified to count for DXCC and other awards. QSO's on
are no different than EME when it comes to verification.
Unless an audio recording (SSB/CW) is kept to verify a mistake was
in the log the result is still a busted call which also gets deleted
during contest log checking.

Am I wrong here?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bernie McClenny, W3UR"
To: "Doug Renwick" <ve...@sasktel.net>
Cc: "Topband reflector" <topband@contesting.com>; "KV4FZ Herb"
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:08 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and

Ugh - Let me go on the record as saying I don’t like this idea and I
wish this can of worms was not opened!  Thankfully US stations (and
hopefully others) no longer have second (personal) calls.  Yes we have
club calls, but thankfully those QSOs will not count for ones personal
DXCC records.  I’ve been on DXpeditions and had guys download all
calls on me (on each band and band mode!), taking away the opportunity
for other Deserving DXers to get into the log.  Yes I realize
the DXpedition or DX operator makes a mistake and I have been burned
once or twice over the years, not at the fault of my own but by the
other guy in the QSO.  I much prefer K9JWV’s method by noting in my
the previous or next QSO.

Flame retardant suit on!


Bernie McClenny, W3UR

Topband Reflector
Topband Reflector

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Version: 10.0.1432 / Virus Database: 3222/6344 - Release Date: 11/17/13

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Rodenkirch" <rodenkirch_...@msn.com>
To: "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" <ber...@dailydx.com>; "KM1H Carl"
Cc: "Doug Renwick" <ve...@sasktel.net>; "Top Band Contesting"
<topband@contesting.com>; "KV4FZ Herb" <he...@vitelcom.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and

As Bernie says, "Mistakes happen."
Just to re-iterate --- they DID copy my call correctly!! I heard them
back to me with K9JWV 599! THAT's why I put in the log.
  I wouldn't have logged the QSO if he came back "K9JJV 599"!!! I'd
still be
there calling them!! Hi HiI'm ok with the notion it's not a valid QSO IF
they got my call wrong in the exchange, which they didn't! Them
mucking up
my call entry in the log is a different matter.
72, Jim R. K9JWV

From: ber...@dailydx.com
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:29:18 -0500
To: z...@jeremy.mv.com
CC: he...@vitelcom.net; topband@contesting.com; ve...@sasktel.net
Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and

Like I said - mistakes happen.  If the guy who made the mistake
he did so and is will to correct the error that is nothing wrong with

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX, The Weekly DX and How's DX?
Two week trial - http://www.dailydx.com/trial.htm

On Nov 16, 2013, at 8:46 AM, ZR <z...@jeremy.mv.com> wrote:

Ive always been under the impression that both calls have to be sent,
received, and verified to count for DXCC and other awards. QSO's on
are no different than EME when it comes to verification.
Unless an audio recording (SSB/CW) is kept to verify a mistake was
in the log the result is still a busted call which also gets deleted
during contest log checking.

Am I wrong here?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bernie McClenny, W3UR"
To: "Doug Renwick" <ve...@sasktel.net>
Cc: "Topband reflector" <topband@contesting.com>; "KV4FZ Herb"
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:08 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and

Ugh - Let me go on the record as saying I don’t like this idea and I
wish this can of worms was not opened!  Thankfully US stations (and
hopefully others) no longer have second (personal) calls.  Yes we have
club calls, but thankfully those QSOs will not count for ones personal
DXCC records.  I’ve been on DXpeditions and had guys download all
calls on me (on each band and band mode!), taking away the opportunity
for other Deserving DXers to get into the log.  Yes I realize
the DXpedition or DX operator makes a mistake and I have been burned
once or twice over the years, not at the fault of my own but by the
other guy in the QSO.  I much prefer K9JWV’s method by noting in my
the previous or next QSO.

Flame retardant suit on!


Bernie McClenny, W3UR

Topband Reflector
Topband Reflector

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Version: 10.0.1432 / Virus Database: 3222/6344 - Release Date: 11/17/13

Topband Reflector

Topband Reflector

Topband Reflector

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