Art, I put one up this spring with the encouragement on this list. The 
L's are back to back, e.g. the 160M L points north while the 80M points 
south. The vertical sections are 45' and the spacing is about 18". Fed 
with a decoupling choke at the base over 32 65' radials.

My amp tunes up with no need for a tuner or matching network and I have 
been very pleased with the performance, even for local stuff out 300-600 
miles all during the summer.

Did a lot of comparison using WSPR mode into EU and OC and the L on both 
bands trounced the resonate dipoles, on both TX and RX, so they have 
since come down.

I am considering adding a 40M element.

Gary Mitchelson
NC3Z/4 Pamlico County, NC FM15

On 17-Oct-16 11:16, Art Snapper wrote:
> I was considering adding a second vertical element to my 160 inverted L.
> This one would be roughly a quarter wave tall for use on 80.
> I tried modelling in Eznec, but wasn't comfortable with the results. I may
> have screwed it up.
> Has anyone tried it for real? Is it a big compromise on either band? Would
> a switch at the feedpoint have any benefit?
> My inverted L has about 50 radials.
> 73
> Art NK8X
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