I have an internal webservice that provides basic employee data - name,
email, department, etc.  The webservice is setup as a servlet and
returns XML, CSV, or HTML.  I've written a SM script that can submit a
request to the webservice and process the resulting XML into instances
in my Person ontology.  Overall, I'd like to make a SPARQL endpoint for
this webservice.  Below are a couple of specific use cases.


Here's the actual use case that I do not know how to do:


1.       User starts TB/Ensemble and opens the Person ontology.

2.       User selects Person class

3.       User types a name into the Surname property in the search box
and presses Search.


What should happen is the system creates the request to the webservice
to return the people that match the name and the SM script creates the
RDF.  Is it possible to do this with SPIN perhaps?


A second scenario is:


1.       User enters a name as a parameter to the SM script which then
returns the matching people as RDF.

2.       User drags an instance of Person onto the query builder (FYI...
dragging as described does not work in 3.0 Beta)

3.       User selects the outgoing edge for the "manager" property.


Since the manager does not exist as triples (yet) querying through the
manager property must trigger the retrieval and CONSTRUCTion of a person
instance for the manager.


Are the use cases I've described within the capability of the product?
If so, could you give me a hint where to start?


Being able to front-end non-RDF webservices with TBC/L/E is a very
interesting capability that I'd like to be able to apply to several








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