Derek; I'll need to ask how you created the database (in Oracle) and
how the d2rq was used to help clarify.

A potential confusion is that Oracle 11g, with the RDF extensions, has
two ways to access a data store.  One is through a RDF connection
I.e. use New... RDF/OWL Oracle Database.  This is what I think you

The second is to access an Oracle as a relational store.  Use d2rq in
Import... to accomplish this.  The difference between the two is that
in the previous, the data is in RDF triples.  In the d2rq case it is
store in a relational form and mapped to RDF triples.

In your case, I am assuming you want to open an RDF file on Oracle,
since the error message is on access to the dublic core ontology.  If
that's the case, then d2rq is not necessary.

-- Scott

On Apr 6, 9:30 am, Derek S <> wrote:
> On importing a [Oracle] database via d2rq, I get the following message
> reported by TBC when attempting to open the test file.
> "Operation Failed
> Reason:
> Warning: Error during import. The import will be ignored
> but as result the model may be incomplete.
> The most recent URI was
> Details
> "Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for 
> URL:";
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