peterw wrote:
> pfarrell;538296 Wrote: 
>> In general, static IP addresses entered manually is a really bad idea.
>> That is how the Internet worked for the first years, and if you pick a
>> duplicate number, things break badly. That is why DHCP was invented.
> ...drifting off-topic...
> For *public* addresses? I'm not, nor have I ever been, a full-time
> network guy, but I have never seen, nor heard of, anyone using DHCP on
> the public Internet.

You are correct, I meant for internal within your home network.

I believe, perhaps incorrectly, that 99% of all SqueezeBoxen are
connected to a private network in you house.

Of course, if its a public IP address, then your ISP will tell you want
to use, and you have no real options.

For most users, the DSL/router/modem/access point will deal with the
public side. That too is often DHCP, but that is up to the ISP and their
networking folks.

Pat Farrell

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