> (http://store.makerbot.com/cupcake-cnc/cupcake-cnc-deluxe-kit.html)
> that Pat mentioned looks about right. It handles plastic patterns up to
> 4"x4"x6", which is just about right (4" isn't tall enough, but 4" *
> 2^(0.5) would do fine). I don't know if Cupcake CNC can work with
> really nice plastics, though. Frankly I think you might do better
> building a wooden box with a scroll saw and some glue.

The cupcake can use a number of plastics. You can do amazing stuff with 
one. Using it only makes sense if you need some small number of them. 
For one, clearly make it out of wood.

For 20 to 50, a cupcake would be fine.

I'm not sure that the standard Cupcake can handle the length, it might. 
There are also folk who expanded the bay so they can make longer stuff. 
Its all open source, anyone can change it in any way.

I know several of the folks who run makerbot, known from a group of geek 
in Brooklyn. I don't know anyone who has one :-) but I have been tempted.

Carpenters have  been doing cool stuff with wood for thousands of years. 
Its idea for custom work.

Pat Farrell

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