AAAlllrightyThen;681949 Wrote: 
> Man but I would like to have an option for switching between VU-Meters
> faster. That download & restart procedure is so annoying.
If you do a Custom Clock style for it, I think changes will take effect
immediately when you do them in Custom Clock Helper plugin as long as
the Custom Clock screen saver is active while you are doing the
changes. There are Custom Clock styles for some of the other VU meters
available already, so you should be able to just edit one of those
through Custom Clock Helper settings page.

So you would possibly use this as a development toolbox and then
provide the patch entry for it in your XML file when you are satisfied
with the result.

It might also work to just copy the file manually using scp instead of
installing it through Patch Installer. I think you might just have to
exit and re-enter the Now Playing screen for the changes to take effect
after you have manually copied the file.


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