snoozer wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I would like to happily report that my Touch is playing 24/192 music via
> SPDIF and USB. Thank you Triode for opening your mod to the community,
> your work is highly appreciated.
> Here is my setup: 
> .) TT3.0 and EDO installed, in that particular order
> .) Server -> Wifi Network -> Touch -> WaveIO USB to I2S card from
> Lucian@DIYAudio (XMOS based) -> BuffaloIII DAC
> The first time I tried to stream music it sounded a bit congested and
> with micro-cuts (like small jumps in the sound). Any combination of
> buffer, kernel, etc.. did not make any difference, so I tried the
> modifications in the following link:
> I have no idea which of those changes made the deal. My particular
> impression is that the changes to the IRQs solved the problem.
> On the other hand, my server has a custom-convert.conf file that allows
> me to stream FLAC as either FLAC or PCM upsampling redbook CD at 24/192
> with an apodizing filter. It works quite well using a big buffer with
> SOX to avoid cuts. Music flows without any problem and very pleasant
> results. I reserve my objetive opinion for the other thread opened to
> this effect.
> If anybody is interested in this setup I would be glad to help.
> Question to Triode: is there available somewhere the Kernel that you
> have modified and that the Touch downloads from Google code ? (source
> code I mean, it would be great to learn from your changes to the Touch´s
> kernel)
> Thank you and best regards
> Pepe

so your set up is TT3.0 + EDO + SBGK

nice that some people are getting  some benefit out of my settings and
are brave enough to report it. 

I was hoping someone would be able to experiment further to see if there
were other benefits to be gained. I can't believe that it is just
Soundcheck and myself who have recognised what can be done by tweaking
the Touch settings. Though he is after a Naim sound (over analytical)
and I am after a Linn sound (detailed and musical). 

2000+ reads of my blog, so someone must be reading it.

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