miab wrote: 
> Thank you John. You have always been a great help.
> I currently am using my Touch with tt3.0 but I would love to be able to
> use/see the screen as now it is disabled. In particular have you or
> anyone else noticed a difference with or without the screen on the usb
> output?
> John, you mention using a dac with both spdif and usb inputs. In your
> experience which were you able to get the ultimate performance on, usb
> or spdif? I'm guessing that it might be particular to each dac used and
> the quality of their different inputs but what were your particular
> experiences? Ultimately I assume that usb might have the edge if both
> were properly implemented. I plan on using a USB to SPDIF converter into
> my favorite spdif only dac BTW and I think the spdif out of a converter
> might be better than spdif out of Touch.

I have not noticed any case with a USB DAC where the screen on or off
made any difference. There certainly might be a DAC sensitive to this,
but none of the ones I tested were. 

The things that I found that made the biggest difference were scheduling
issues, thread priorities etc. These had the biggest difference in all
the  USB  DACs. (different DACs were more or less sensitiveto this, but
for any given DAC it was the most important). Buffer size was the next
important, and everything else made little difference. Again the
settings that were produced the best results with S/PDIF were NOT the
best settings for USB. 

I did not try  any USB to S/PDIF converters in these tests so I don't
know how they performed.

A USB to S/PDIF converter may or may not sound better than the S/PDIF
out of the Touch. There are two categories of paramters that affect the
results, one is ab solute and the other is relative. The absolute
parameters are things like jitter and noise, the lower the better. But
then there is impedance, the absolute value doesn't matter, what matters
is the matching between the transmitter and the receiver. Unfortunately
even though the spec says 75 ohms, the reality is that for both
transmitters and receivers the impedance varies all over the place, from
15 ohms to over 120 ohms. If you run a transmitter with 15 ohms into a
receiver with 120 ohms you are highly likely to get poor performance no
matter how low the jitter on the transmitted signal is. 

So a given converter and DAC MAY sound better than the direct out, but
not necessarily because it is "higher quality", but most likely because
it just happens to be a better match to the input circuit on the
particular DAC. 

BTW USB has a similar issue, but the range of mismatches is usually much
less than for S/PDIF. (I'm not sure why, it's actually easier to get a
good match with S/PDIF, but for some reason most designers of S/PDIF
boards ignore the issue, but DO think about it for USB, probably because
with S/PDIF if you get it wrong it still works, but if you get the
impedance wrong  with USB it doesn't work at all)

As Guido said some DACs like the converter better and some don't. And
most likely if you tried a different converter you would get even
different results.  

John S.

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