elite1967 wrote: 
> Hi Triode,
> thanks for your excellent and hard work!
> My situation is: I have the AudioAero DAC (La Fontaine) connected to the
> SBT using USB but working only using the experimental kernel.
> It works fine up to 192KHz/24 bit.
> After some months of use I have some questions:
> 1) What are the differences among the different experimental kernels?
> From #7 to #12? (Currently using #8, but for what I have seen all the
> versions work fine with my DAC.)
> 2) What are the disadvantages (if any) of using the experimental
> kernel?
> 3) Will there ever be an EDO stock version that includes the changes
> available in the experimental kernel, so that I do not have to install
> the experimental version?
> 4) Why do I have to use the experimental kernel to have it working?
> 5) What are the new features of the new version EDO 0.8?
> 6) Just to let you know, with version 0.8 my DAC still works only with
> Experimental Kernel.
> Thanks again.

The test kernels are documented in this thread:

At present they are only needed for very few devices and the patches
applied could compromise other dacs, so I've not made them part of the
main kernel.

I'm not planning any new EDO versions at present, 0.8 was a bug fix to
allow devices which did not have a space in the display string to work.
(Afraid I am more distracted on other things)

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