krochat wrote: 
> To be clear, you're now running your bedroom SBT and LMS PC on the main
> network, not the second network?
> In any case, can the LMS PC see the bedroom SBT? 
> 1) On the bedroom SBT, go to Settings->Advanced->Squeezebox
> Information->Squeezebox Touch Information and write down the IP field.
> It should be something like 
> 2) Go to the LMS PC, open a command prompt, and enter "ping <IP>", where
> <IP> is the number you got from the SBT. 
> 3) Tell us what happens. 
> 4) While you have the LMS PC command prompt open, you might as well run
> "ipconfig /all" and post the results of that command too.
> Kim

My bedroom SBT's IP address (when it's Ethernet-cabled to the powerline
adapter) is is the result of pinging that address
from my audio PC:


And below (in two windows) is the result of running ipconfig: 



garym wrote: 
> What happens with the Bedroom Touch when (on the Touch screen) you
> select "my music" from the menu.  Does it offer the option of connecting
> to your LMS Library?

It tries to connect to the Audio PC (labeled "fitPC3), but the attempt
fails--I get the "we couldn't connect to..." error message.

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Are all the Powerline Adaptors on the same network?

I am not sure that they are--I'd love suggestions for the best way to
test that. 


|Filename: Jerome ipconfig Result pt 2 of 2 Jan 5 2018.JPG          |

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