gellie wrote: 
> Hi Ronnie. Thanks for looking into this. I currently have my SBT
> connected to the Oppo via USB. What do you mean by streaming method
> used?
> Larry

Simply, wireless or ethernet into the SBTouch ?

The thing is, 192/24 over wireless should not really be a problem, maybe
relocating the Router (higher is often advised on the internet) or
running a long Ethernet cable (I use a flat, 30 metre one from router to

If using files stored on a hard disk of some sort (NAS or usb hard disk)
I have an out of the box idea that if these are downloaded files that
this might cause some plackback problems. It's just an idea, no proof.
but your problem is primarly one of connection between two devices.

I agree with Mycenius that the start up order is important. Power on dac
first and then the SBTouch. If the reverse method is observed then the
SBT can be seen hunting for the DAC.

Most of this stuff is designed to be put into standy for everday use and
only powered off if use is not intended for extended periods (as one
does when going away, for a few, or several days).

Another thought is that the power supply for the SBT is starting to
fail, which may cause problems.

I hope you sort out the problem




|Filename: stay calm .jpg                                           |

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