Hello Michael

Many thanks for your instructions. Formerly, I just transferred the
messages logfile with the SD-card (did a clean shutdown before removal).
Now I could set up the SSH connection with your instructions below (BTW.
you have to add the parameters "-o
KexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -c aes256-cbc" in either the
ssh- or scp- command lines on Linux) and it gets more comfortable...

You will find the messages logfile in attachment.

Kind regards,

mherger wrote: 
> >> Not directly IP related. But anything interesting in
> /var/log/messages,
> >> in particular towards the end of the file?
> >>
> >> Yes there is maybe something wrong there, after loading the plugins
> and
> >> starting the network polling (see extract at the end).
> I have no idea how you copied that log snippet, but could you please get
> us a full copy of /var/log/messages?
> I _believe_ you can enable SSH using the following steps:
> - "vi /etc/inetd.conf": there should be a line for ssh at the bottom of
> the file. Remove the # in front of it
> - run "/bin/ps x -o pid,command | grep inetd | grep -v grep" to get the
> pid of inetd
> - run "kill -HUP [PID]" (put the pid there)
> - try to ssh in to it
> -- 
> Michael

|Filename: messages-20200526-1910.txt                               |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=30422|

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